MCN is accepting nominations for the 2025 board of directors!

The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits (MCN) is seeking up to three (3) individuals to join its board of directors beginning in 2025.

MCN is a membership-based organization, representing a wide range of nonprofit organizations throughout Minnesota. We strive to recruit board members who bring diverse perspectives, professional expertise, and lived experiences to ensure MCN continues to live into our stated values, which were jointly created in 2023 with MCN staff and board.

While MCN strongly encourages any and all nonprofit leaders from organizations across Minnesota to apply, some special areas of focus for 2025 include:

  • Those representing nonprofits in Greater Minnesota (with an emphasis on rural nonprofits)

  • Newer nonprofits with under five years of operations

  • Nonprofits with budgets under $200,000

The deadline for submitting a completed nomination form is August 4, 2024. If you have any questions about the nominations process, please contact Mark Buenaflor, Operations Manager, at 651-757-3066 or